Quick Excel Download - Easily Add Excel Download to Any Table on Your Site

Start creating Excel Files in your app in minutes.

Create beautiful Excel files using Quick Excel Download in minutes. Add links, images, tables to your Excel files without doing any coding.

Quick Excel Download Documentation

Include the library on your page.

Make sure you have at least one HTML table defined in your page. An HTML table code looks as following:

      <table class="mytable">
              <th>Product Name</th>
              <th>Customer Name</th>
              <th>Sales Amount</th>
              <th>Phone Number</th>
              <td>XYZ Smartwatch</td>
              <td>John Doe</td>
              <td>(123) 456-7890</td>

If you're using JQuery, put the following code in document.ready method to initialize Excel Download for all tables on the page:

      $( document ).ready(function() {
        //initialize Quick Excel Download button for all tables on the page.
        quickExcelReady({hasHeader: true});

Using plain JavaScript (no JQuery), initialize the library via the onLoad method.

Create a new function that will be called when DOM is ready myLoadFunction: inside the function put the initialization code:

      const myLoadFunction = () => {
        //Quick Excel Download initialization code here

Place the initialization code inside the function:

      const myLoadFunction = () => {
        //hasHeader = true indicates that the header will be included and derived from the HTML table
        quickExcelReady({hasHeader: true});

Now make sure the function is called whenever the page loads. Put the function call inside the body onload attribute.

      <body onload="myLoadFunction()">
The entire no-JQuery initialization code should look as following:

You can also specify the Id of the table in the initialization function (quickExcelReady):

  $( document ).ready(function() {
      //this will only initialize the Quick Excel Download button for the 'mytable-id' element
          hasHeader: true, 
          downloadButtonText: 'Download Excel File', 
          id: 'mytable-id'

Reload the page and you should see the "Download Excel" button appear below your HTML tables:

Clicking the button should download an Excel file named Quick-Excel-Download.xlsx

You can easily customize how the Download Excel button appears on the page using CSS.

Add the following properties to the initialization code:

  • downloadButtonText - button label text (default value is 'Download Excel')
  • downloadButtonClassname - button CSS classname. This will change how the button appears on the page.

      //initialize the library. All buttons will have 'My Button' text and 'myButton' CSS class.
          hasHeader: true, 
          downloadButtonText: "My Button", 
          downloadButtonClassname: "myButton" 
Define the myButton CSS class now:

      .myButton {
        background-color: #ff7e5f;
The button should look as following now:

You can now change the css to display an image instead of a button. Make sure you have the ./images/ms-excel-icon-sm.jpg image below in your page:

      .myButton {
          background-image: url(./images/ms-excel-icon-sm.jpg);
          background-repeat: no-repeat;
          background-position: 50% 50%;
          height: 50px;
          width: 50px;
          border: none;
The button should look as following now:

You can manually call the download function to create Excel files in your code.

First, you'll need to point the function to a table inside the page, either using classname or id table attribute.

Below is a sample table with a classname "mytable":

    <table class="mytable">
            <th>Product Name</th>
            <th>Customer Name</th>
            <th>Sales Amount</th>
            <th>Phone Number</th>
To enable Excel Download from this table you can create a button and simply call the quickExcelDownloadFile method:

    <button onclick="quickExcelDownloadFile(tableRef, options)">Download Excel</button>
The quickExcelDownloadFile function takes two parameters: tableRef and options. For example, the code below locates a table using classname 'mytable':

          //reference HTML table using class name
          table: document.getElementsByClassName('mytable')[0] 
        //include the header (will be derived from the HTML table)
        hasHeader: true
The tableRef tells the function how to find the table - either by pointing to a table HTML element or using the Id attribute:

        //find the table using 'mytable' classname
        table: document.getElementsByClassName('mytable')[0] 
        //find the table by 'mytable' Id
        id: 'mytable'
To configure the code to use Id-based table lookup, use the following configuration:

      <table id="my-table-id">
              <th>Product Name</th>
              <th>Customer Name</th>
              <th>Sales Amount</th>
              <th>Phone Number</th>

          //locate the table using the id
          id: "my-table-id"
        hasHeader: true

By default, the Quick Excel Download library uses HTML table headers (or the 1st row of the table); however, you can provide a custom header for your file by using the header configuration option:

      //id based table lookup             
      {id: 'mytable-id' }, 
          //provide a custom header (array of objects, each containing 'name' field)
          header: [{name: 'Product'}, {name: 'Name'}, {name: 'Sales Price'}, {name: 'Phone Number'}]

The Quick Excel Download can embed images (from HTML images) into Excel Worksheet cells.
Make sure to set includeImages configuration to true.

//initialization code (triggered on page load)
$( document ).ready(function() {
      includeImages: true, 
      hasHeader: true, 
      id: 'mytable-id'

//functional code (triggered from other parts of the app, e.g. button click)
    id: 'mytable-id'
    includeImages: true, 
    hasHeader: true

We support 60+ themes for the generated Excel table.
The default theme is TableStyleLight11 but you can change it in the options using the theme configuration key.

    //locate the table using the id
    id: "my-table-id"
  hasHeader: true,
  //set the table theme to TableStyleMedium17
  theme: 'TableStyleMedium17'

For example, you can use TableStyleLight8 to make the Excel table look as following

See All Supported Themes

You can use Quick Excel Download product with your custom JSON data or data service (REST).

You can set custom headers as well as provide static or dynamic data for table rows.

Table Column/Header data format:

//[{name: 'Column 1'}, {name: 'Column 2'}, {name: 'Column 3'}]
const myHeader = [
  { name: 'Product'}, 
  { name: 'Name'}, 
  { name: 'Sales'}
Table row format:

//row 1: ['Row 1 Column 1 value', 'Row 1 Column 2 value', 'Row 1 Column 3 value'],
//row 2: ['Row 2 Column 1 value', 'Row 2 Column 2 value', 'Row 2 Column 3 value'] 
const myRows = [
  ['Test Product 1', 'John Peters', 170.10], //row 1
  ['Test Product 2', 'Peter Gabe', 70.90], //row 2
  ['Test Product 3', 'Steven Force', 33.00]  //row 3
Then you can simply pass header and row definitions to the quickExcelDownloadFile function:

      data: myRows 
      header: myHeader, 
      isDebug: true

Here's a quick solution how you can generate Excel files using a REST service that returns JSON data (with or without JQuery).

Create a quick button that calls the downloadExcelFile function that we're about to create.

<button class="my-button" 
          Download Excel</button>
Now, create the downloadExcelFile function which will use JQuery to get a JSON data structure then transform the structure to Quick Excel Download row format and download the Excel file.

const downloadExcelFile = async () => {
  //get data from the service
  $.get('/tests/data.json', function(data, status){
    if (!data || data.length === 0) {
        console.warn('No data returned');
    let productInfo = [];
    //transform data into QuickExcelDownload row format (array of arrays)
    for (let i=0;i <data.length;i++) {
        const obj = data[i];
                [ obj.product,
                  new Date(obj.date)
    //call the function to generate the Excel file 
    //make sure the QuickExcelDownload library has been loaded / included on the page)
        //table rows
        data: productInfo 
      { //header/columns
        header: [{name: 'Product'}, 
                  {name: 'Name'}, 
                  {name: 'Sales'}, 
                  {name: 'Date'}
You can also use a non-JQuery, native XHR call to call the service and pass the data container to the quickExcelDownloadFile function:
* Non-JQuery native XHR GET request
const getXhr = (url, handler) => {
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.open("GET", url, true);
    xhr.onload = (e) => {
        if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
            if (xhr.status === 200) {
                handler(xhr.responseType === 'json' ? xhr.responseText : JSON.parse(xhr.responseText), xhr.status);
    xhr.onerror = (e) => { console.error(xhr.statusText); };

const downloadExcelFileNative = async () => {
  getXhr("/tests/data.json", function(data, status) {
      if (!data || data.length === 0) {
          console.warn('No data returned');
      let productInfo = [];
      //transform data into QuickExcelDownload row format (array of arrays)
      for (let i=0;i<data.length;i++) {
          const obj = data[i];
          productInfo.push([obj.product,obj.name,obj.amt, new Date(obj.date)]);
      quickExcelDownloadFile({ data: productInfo }, { header: [{name: 'Product'}, {name: 'Name'}, {name: 'Sales'}, {name: 'Date'}], isDebug: true});

Does Quick Excel Download support TypeScript? The answer is, Yes! Please see our React / NPM example below to learn how to use the typed definition file. The code complies with the following definitions:

  * Download Options
  * Filename: string, override name of the file
  * header: array of QuickExcelDownloadHeader, custom header/columns - see QuickExcelDownloadHeader
  * includeLinks: boolean, if true, links will be included in the Excel file
  * includeTotals: boolean, if true, total row will be included
  * hasHeader: boolean - required. If true, header will be derived from the HTML table
  * theme: string, override default theme (TableStyleLight11). See Documentation -> Themes
  * isDebug: boolean , if true, debug information will be displayed in console
  * downloadButtonText - string, override download button text
  * downloadButtonClassname - string, specify download button CSS classname
  * dataRowStartIndex - number, specificy data row start index (from the HTML table).
export interface QuickExcelDownloadOptions {
  id?: string;
  fileName?: string;
  header?: QuickExcelDownloadHeader[];
  includeLinks?: boolean;
  includeTotals?: boolean;
  hasHeader: boolean;
  theme?: string; 
  isDebug?: boolean;
  downloadButtonText?: '';
  downloadButtonClassname?: string;
  dataRowStartIndex?: number;

  * Column Header Definition (name)
export interface QuickExcelDownloadHeader {
  name: string;

  * Data Reference (Table Id or Table HTML Element or JSON Rows Array)
export interface QuickExcelDownloadTableRef {
    * Id of the table
  id?: string;
    * Html Table Element 
  table?: any;
    * Data Array for Rows
    * Example: [ ['Test Product 1', 'John Peters', 170.10, new Date()] //row 1 ]
  data?: [ any[] ];

  * Sets up Download Link for All tables on the page
  * @param {*} options - QuickExcelDownloadOptions options
export declare function quickExcelReady(options?: QuickExcelDownloadOptions);

  * Creates an Excel file based on data table structure
  * Streams data back to the browser so user can download the file
  * @param {*} dataReference - Id or Element or JSON container { id: 'xxx', table: HtmlElement, data: data container }
  * @param {*} options - QuickExcelDownloadOptions options
  * Usage: quickExcelDownloadFile({ id: 'my-table-id' }, { hasHeader: true, isDebug: true, buttonText: 'Download Excel Now' })
export declare function quickExcelDownloadFile (dataReference: QuickExcelDownloadTableRef, options?: QuickExcelDownloadOptions);

The Quick Excel Download can be included in the package.json as a file reference. Please see the React App example (below and in the download package file).

To include the library in the package.json file:
  • Download the latest library or refer to the email when you purchased the license
  • Open the package and go to the "npm" folder. There should be a file there: quick-excel-download-xxx.tgz
  • Copy the file and put it somewhere in your folder app. Example: put it in the ui-lib folder in the root of your application (e.g. next to 'src' folder)
  • Now, open your package.json file (typically it's in the src folder) and add the following line:
    "quick-excel-download": "file:ui-lib/quick-excel-download-xxx.tgz"
                    "name": "my-app",
                    "version": "0.1.0",
                    "private": true,
                    "dependencies": {
                      "react": "^18.3.1",
                      "quick-excel-download": "file:ui-lib/quick-excel-download-0.0.1a.tgz"
  • Now run the command below to install the library (verify in node_modules if it's there).
    npm install

Below is a sample React app (included in the distribution package) that shows how you can use the Quick Excel Download library with React.
Sample React App

Include the Quick Excel Download library in your project using NPM local file reference, e.g.:

"name": "my-app",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
  "react": "^18.3.1",
  "quick-excel-download": "file:ui-lib/quick-excel-download-0.0.1a.tgz"
You can also use React Helmet and include the JS (from the distribution archive) in the header.

Once the library is installed, import the following functions from the package:

import { QuickExcelDownloadHeader, quickExcelDownloadFile } from 'quick-excel-download';

Now define a quick HTML table that will have data:

<table id="myTable">
        <th>Product Name</th>
        <th>Customer Name</th>
        <th>Sales Amount</th>
        <th>Phone Number</th>
        <td>HIJ Printer</td>
        <td>Jessica Taylor</td>
        <td>(901) 234-5678</td>
        <td>NOP Router</td>
        <td>Paul Anderson</td>
        <td>(012) 345-6789</td>
Next, create the download button:
 <button onClick={() => quickExcelDownloadFile({id: 'myTable'}, { header: getHeader(), hasHeader: true, isDebug: true})} className={'styled-button'}>Download Excel</button>
We now need to define the getHeader function that provides a custom header for the file:
const getHeader = (): QuickExcelDownloadHeader[] => {
  return [{name: 'Product'}, 
          {name: 'Customer'}, 
          {name: 'Phone'}
The entire demo app looks as following:
import React from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import { QuickExcelDownloadHeader, quickExcelDownloadFile } from 'quick-excel-download';
function App() {
    const getHeader = (): QuickExcelDownloadHeader[] => {
        return [{name: 'Product'}, 
                {name: 'Customer'}, 
                {name: 'Phone'}
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <header className="App-header">
        <img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
    <table id="myTable">
            <th>Product Name</th>
            <th>Customer Name</th>
            <th>Sales Amount</th>
            <th>Phone Number</th>
            <td>HIJ Printer</td>
            <td>Jessica Taylor</td>
            <td>(901) 234-5678</td>
            <td>NOP Router</td>
            <td>Paul Anderson</td>
            <td>(012) 345-6789</td>
    <button onClick={() => quickExcelDownloadFile({id: 'myTable'}, { header: getHeader(), hasHeader: true, isDebug: true})} className={'styled-button'}>Download Excel</button>

export default App;


Please contact us and share your implementation challenges. Use the following download options to generate the Excel file in a most reliable way while also generating helpful information for debuging (isDebug: true):
    hasHeader: true,
    isDebug: true
Look at Developer Console (in Chrome, right click anywhere on the page -> Inspect -> Console) and see what errors are being thrown and share that with us.

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